
Steve & Lisa’s Fall Portraits at the Wood Pile

Scene: Wood Pile
Family: Steve & Lisa, Sophie, Emma, Sam
Time of day: Afternoon
Season: Fall
Atmosphere: Energetic, teasing, cheerful, supportive

The Eagle Ridge acreage is defined by its innocent charm, its shimmering scenes, its spontaneous adventures—and the simplehearted ways we draw out your family’s joy.

This is the place where, for up to an hour at a time, generations converge. For Steve and Lisa, in light of the looming prospect of empty nesting, this convergence was a blessing. Despite the shift in family dynamics as their three kids approach young adulthood, a session at the wood pile brought family jokes—and joy—to life. 

When you’re watching (and celebrating as) your kids quickly become competent, contributing adults, sometimes you need a family portrait to remind you of the good work you’ve done.

November | Wood Pile

The both of you totally exceeded my expectations! I absolutely love all of the pictures. They brought tears to my eyes. My gratitude to both of you goes beyond words.


The Wood Pile: Texture Found Nowhere Else

Steve and Lisa reserved a session at the wood pile for their family because Lisa loved its unique backdrop and texture. Set on a slight incline, and against a row of pines at the edge of our land, the wood pile was stacked about four feet high and 15 feet wide. It was the perfect width for a family of five.

While her family stepped out of two cars (as you do when you have teens and college kids . . . because everyone’s got somewhere to be), Steve and Lisa introduced their crowd and began teaching us about themselves with stories of their family’s favorite seasonal activities. In a time when schedules were growing more complicated to navigate, simply being together for portraits was something Lisa had been longing for.


Attitudes & Outfits

Throughout the session we learned that Emma was naturally inclined to create order and beauty with colors. She pulled together clothing that incorporated the complementary greens and neutrals of nature—and looked perfect in front of the wood pile, the epitome of a neutral background.

After only a few minutes together, the amiable chatter of Steve and Lisa’s kids made perfect sense to us. With a father as cheerful and gracious as Steve, and a mother as bubbly and relational as Lisa, the kids were unsurprisingly gracious and polite. They concluded nearly every story with a good-natured jab at a sibling, or the hint of an ongoing family joke.

As parents to four of our own, we’re familiar with—and love—the relaxed comfort of inside jokes, so we encouraged an atmosphere of teasing between the kids. Though in their teens and early twenties, far older than our little ones, the teasing and banter in front of the wood pile had the effect we expected: it broke the ice and drew out their natural relationship. 

I heard from one of my own family members recently that the relationship between siblings is half “I’ll help you bury the body” and half “Don’t even breathe in my general direction.” As extraordinary as that sentiment is, in our experience it does seem to be true! Nate and I enjoyed the inside smirks and quick bursts of laughter from the kids as they tried to follow posing suggestions and broke out in fits of giggles. 

In the end, Steve and Lisa’s family session was lighthearted, peaceful, and—believe it or not—even quiet at times as the jokes came to their conclusions and everybody took a breath. 

Photographer’s Favorite

An attitude of generous grace is a must in the midst of a life season full of sweeping changes. This is what grace looks like.

Husband and wife smiling
November | Wood Pile

Wood Pile Highlights: Portraits on the Wall

And in the midst of a life season that sees nearly grown kids preparing to leave the nest, is there any question which portrait belongs on the wall? It’s this one.

  • Framed, Canvas, and Acrylic Statement Pieces (5)
  • Husband and wife smiling
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